The IEEE Consultants’ Network of San Diego (IEEE/CNSD) is comprised of independent technology consultants who are specialists in all forms of electronics, communications, chip design, computer software, defense technology, electro-mechanical hardware, power systems, new product development, quality assurance, reliability, technology management, business consulting, business development, and intellectual property law.
Because San Diego is considered a world center for Aerospace, RF, Defense and Communications Systems technology, you’ll find a number of our members are conversant in these areas.
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
IEEE Consultants’ Network -Joining IEEE-OES “Cheers Oceaneers”
“Cheers Oceaneers” is a monthly get together for:
(1) IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society (OES), San Diego Chapter,
(2) The Maritime Alliance (TMA) and
(3) Marine Technology Society (MTS).
They meet monthly for networking and friendly conversation about everything oceanic engineering, science, Blue Tech, and more. No need to be an IEEE or OES member, or TMA, or MTS. Everyone is invited.
This month there is no formal agenda yet. We want to hear from you. We want to use these meetings to gather the energy from this crowd of like-minded people and create opportunities to accomplish shared goals. In the future, we plan to have presentations, themed events, etc., but let’s just start with getting everyone into the same space for an evening and let the interactions commence.
TUESDAY, September 10, 2024
5:30pm – 7:30pm+
Quantum Brewing
5375 Kearny Villa Rd #116
San Diego, CA 92123
5:30pm: Arrival and networking, order food/drinks for yourself.
6:30pm OES, TMA, MTS, and CN announcements.
6:35pm – 7:00pm “open mic” for any other attendees to present anything they like (ocean-related, of course).
Examples: employers presenting opportunities for employment, job seekers presenting a quick bio, internship program opportunities, promoting other events, seeking funding, “show and tell” of any cool technology you are working on, etc.
7:00pm to close: enjoy some drinks and chatting with fellow oceanic engineering enthusiasts.
Free, but please order something for yourself from the brewery (beer and non-alcohol options avail). The food and drinks are not being funded by the hosts.
Please note, there are numerous tasty restaurants next to Quantum (e.g., Anny’s Burger, Chinese, Pho, Taco shop, Lao, Filippis) and there is no problem bringing your food in (some places will even walk it over to you).
Ample parking in front of restaurant
David Robie,, 858.901.0226
Outreach: Enrique Monteagudo,
The network is rebuilding after the pandemic. There are lots of ways to participate. We have many events throughout the year scheduled. Anyone is welcome at our events. If you are looking to hire a consultant send us a detailed description of the expertise you are looking to find and we will try and match one of our members to your needs. If we do not have someone with the expertise you need, we may be able to help you find the expertise somewhere else in other IEEE Consultants’ Networks.
Contact us for more information via e-mail:
Keep up to date on the IEEE/CN of San Diego. Our e-mail list is used for announcements about upcoming Network Events. We also post items of interest to our LinkedIn page.
Learn about all of the IEEE Societies in San Diego. The IEEE San Diego Section website has contact information on all 32 local societies and chapters. See more details.